
Accounting services for LLC in Moscow

Accounting services for LLC in Moscow

Business is unthinkable without an accountant. The larger the company, its staff and turnover, the larger this department should be. But in 2022, it is more profitable not to keep an employee, but to outsource all accounting – choose a contractor who will take over all accounting services. Such companies usually operate several LLCs at the same time, so their services are more profitable for the customer
Accounting services for LLC in Moscow


Today it is quite possible to do without a full-time accountant – a handwritten signature has been replaced by an electronic one, all kinds of statements, certificates, reports have long been automatically filled out in programs and submitted electronically.

Some managers try to do their own accounting, but they are faced with the fact that this is a rather voluminous area in which it is not enough to simply reflect account transactions. Therefore, outsourced accounting services for LLCs have become popular on the market today. We will tell you about the types and costs of services in Moscow, who provides them and what contracts can be concluded.


Cost of accounting services for LLC in 2023

Accounting support, outsourcing, record keeping from 7000 rub. per month
Calculation of salary and taxes for an employee 500 – 1500 rub. per month 
Reports on insurance contributions (DAM) / to the Social Insurance Fund / to the pension (SZV-M) from 1500 rub.
VAT/profit report from 5000 rub.
One-time consultation on accounting from 3500 rub.
Processing of primary documents (invoices, acts, invoices, etc.) from 120 rub. per document


The above price list is valid for small companies. Most likely, in the end the prices for services in your case will be higher. The cost of accounting services for an LLC in Moscow depends on a number of factors:

  • number of employees;
  • tax systems (for example, the simplified tax system is cheaper than the special tax system);
  • turnover;
  • the number of documents that are processed by the company during the month (shipments, certificates of completion of work, bank movements, documents from suppliers, etc.);
  • the presence or absence of increased coefficients depending on the type of activity of the LLC: work in progress, construction, import or export.

Accounting Law for LLCs

Accounting services for an LLC are a set of services for maintaining accounting records, submitting reports, and preparing documents that the company receives from an outsourced contractor.

The main law on accounting issues is the Federal Law “On Accounting” No. 402-FZ dated December 6, 2011 1 . It details all the requirements for organizing and maintaining accounting in Russia.

In addition to accounting, organizations are also required to maintain tax records and submit regulated reports to various government agencies. This is mainly regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. But there are also separate laws that specify some issues regarding company taxation and reporting.

For example, issues related to accounting are described in Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 6, 1999 N 43n 2 . If you need to find LLC accounting reporting forms, then see Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 2, 2010 N 66n 3 . Accounting provisions are described in another order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 6, 2008 N 106n 4 . But it does not list all the provisions. A comprehensive list can be studied on the website of the Ministry of Finance 5 .

How to choose a contractor to provide accounting services to an LLC

1. Decide what accounting services you will outsource

Accounting is either completely outsourced or a section, for example, salaries, personnel. Sometimes all that is required is verification and reporting on the data that the client enters himself. In addition to accounting and tax accounting, preparation of primary documents, payroll and personnel records, some companies can also take on:

  • verification of counterparties;
  • consulting on legal issues, accounting and taxation;
  • examination and drafting of contracts;
  • representing the client’s interests in regulatory authorities and courts;
  • setting up and maintaining management accounting;
  • support of foreign economic activity (foreign economic activity).

2. Select accounting service providers

At this stage, you need to select candidates from those who provide accounting services. A good company has a sufficient staff of competent employees, among whom it distributes functionality, uses automation of accounting processes for speed and optimization, provides advice and suggests a tax planning strategy.

Large companies providing accounting services for LLCs in Moscow in 2023 also insure their liability. What if an error in documents entails fines? Financial guarantees from the provider will not be superfluous. Compare prices, reviews and company reputation in the accounting services market.

What you should pay attention to when choosing an accounting services contractor for an LLC

  • Provider portfolio – ask, if there is no NDA, to share data about the client pool. Some publish it on their websites. If there is no information, ask if there are letters of recommendation from customers.
  • Software products in which the company keeps records.
  • Does the contractor agree to return the base in case of termination of the contract? 
  • Structured and formalized service procedure. Accounting is an area where strict regulations serve as a guarantee of the quality of services provided.
  • Availability of a valid insurance policy. In the event of an error caused by the contractor, which results in financial losses on your part, the insurance will cover the losses.

3. Make an appointment

Discuss what type of accounting the LLC needs—full or partial support. Will you need to calculate salaries and taxes? Will the contractor be able to provide “rare” services such as restoring accounting records, representing interests in regulatory authorities (Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund) and making payments on loans if the business needs any of this.

4. Sign a service agreement

If you are satisfied with the candidate, then it’s time to confirm the agreement with signatures, pay for services, discuss the procedure for interaction and start working. A reliable provider will accept an LLC with accounting in any condition. The main thing is that the company is conscientious and does not work according to “gray” schemes.

What additional accounting services can LLCs provide?

Consultation on accounting, personnel records, financial and tax planning 1250 – 2000 rub./hour
Maintaining personnel records of employees from 300 rub. per employee
Development/change of provisions on wages, bonuses, internal labor regulations, on the protection of personal data, employment contracts, templates for personnel documents 1250 rub./hour
Informing about balances on the current account, at the cash desk, about the status of receivables and payables 250 rub. for the certificate
Recalculation of the tax base in connection with the provision of documents after the expiration of the period established by the interaction schedule for the current billing period: for taxes  1250 rub.
Drawing up updated declarations for previous reporting periods (excluding work on processing additional documents and transactions): for taxes 1250 rub.
Development of individual accounting policies 1250 rub./hour
Development of standards for the write-off of fuel and fuels and lubricants, standards for the use of special equipment. clothing and protective equipment 1250 rub./hour
Reconciliation of receivables/payables with counterparties according to accounting data, as well as request and receipt of a package of documents from the counterparty 200 rub. from each counterparty
Processing business transactions after the cut-off date 950 rub. for the operation
Coordination with the bank 1250 rub./hour
Preparation of currency control documents 300 rub. per document or 625 rub. per deal
Representation in fiscal authorities, support of inspections  1250 rub./hour

Accounting service agencies and consulting groups can help companies support foreign economic activities and verify suppliers and counterparties. We are ready to represent the interests of LLCs in fiscal authorities and during inspections. Prepare and submit updated returns for the previous tax period, as well as additional reporting forms. Conduct reconciliation of settlements with the tax office, Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund.

Additional services include expert advice. For example, on the subject of changing the tax regime, optimizing the tax burden and financial planning. Outsourced companies deal with the preparation of waybills and advance reports. Prepare payment orders and other bank documents.

You can order additional services to relieve the workload of a full-time accountant or department, or to optimize some area of ​​the business.

Popular questions and answers

The general director of the Neobukh company, Ivan Kotov , answers the questions .

How can you save on accounting services for an LLC?

— As a rule, savings can be achieved if some processes are automated or handled independently. For example, establishing electronic document flow with your counterparties is a fairly popular solution in 2023. Then some operations can be reflected in the database automatically; all that remains is to check the correctness of filling. An LLC representative can take on the processing of some simple transactions, for example, generating invoices. The main point: the fewer tasks and assignments are transferred to an accounting company, the lower the final price of services. Accounting companies, as a rule, have several tariffs depending on the goals and objectives that the client has.

Does the accountant of an outsourcing company bear financial liability to the LLC?

— The accounting company, and not the accountant personally, bears responsibility for the poor quality of services provided to the LLC. Limits of liability and all essential points in this part are prescribed in the contract. Serious accounting companies, as a rule, additionally voluntarily insure their professional risks when conducting business. This is done in order to guarantee the client compensation for damage caused in the event of poor quality services. The presence of responsibility distinguishes accounting companies from individual accountants who come on board.

What is the difference between an in-house accountant and an outsourcing company for an LLC?

— He doesn’t go on vacation, doesn’t get sick, doesn’t suddenly quit or go on maternity leave. From a financial point of view, it is cheaper. Often the contractor is more experienced and professional than one full-time accountant. Indeed, in serious outsourcing companies, in addition to accountants who keep records, there are also lawyers. In fact, the LLC receives a range of services, not just an accountant. Companies are more technologically advanced. There are also nuances and disadvantages of working with companies. The work and all processes are quite formalized, that is, part of the work cannot be entrusted to an accountant, as if he were on staff. This is not your full-fledged employee; you cannot call him at any time or go into his office with a question. Outsourcing companies perform the accounting function well, but sometimes they may not pass the client’s problems through themselves – they often work only upon request.

How to control the quality of a contractor’s work after performing accounting services for an LLC?

— On the one hand, it is quite easy to check the quality – this means the absence of claims and fines from regulatory authorities for reports not submitted, not submitted on time, or submitted with errors. Timely recommendations for optimizing taxation and using benefits. But this alone is not enough to talk about the quality of services, since problems are often revealed during tax audits. But they are carried out irregularly, and the company can only find out after a while that something was wrong with its accounting. An independent audit will help in this situation. This costs extra money and not all clients can afford it. Some accounting companies have introduced internal audit procedures, where the quality of client accounting is checked by a separate division of the company itself. This is not a panacea, but it gives the client additional guarantees that everything will be fine with his account.

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